Monday, September 30, 2013

King Hrothgar

King Hrothgar is the king of the Danes who changes a lot during the poem. King Hrothgar is an elderly man who built the great mead-hall Herot. The king is the second of the four children of Healfdane whose older brother Heorogar, was king before him. King Hrothgar. The people view the King as a good king and that they have not found fault in him. After Beowulf defeats Grendel, he rewards his men and Beowulf with great treasures like a good viking king should. The really messed up thing was that the king gave gratitude and thanks to God instead of Beowulf so he didn't give Beowulf any credit. During the poem, the king changes his attitude and how he presents himself to others. Whenever Grendel attacked the mead-hall, Hrothgar just went to his place with his wife because Grendel cannot touch him because the king was believed to be appointed by God and he cannot touch anything dealing with God.

King Hrothgar's view during all of this madness was to get out of the way and protect himself. This is irony because the viking code says that the King should be the ruthless warrior that will keep fighting to keep his people safe until the day that he dies.  

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