Monday, September 30, 2013


Ecghteow is the father of Beowulf, Hygelac's brother-in-law and married the King of the Geats daughter. Ecghteow was a very known king and people called him a ,"Noble battle-leader." His legacy lived on through the minds of others and he was remembered well by wise men everywhere. Ecghteow came to the Danish king for help for he had slain a man from another tribe called the wulfings. This was a blood feud so the only way this could be resolved was to pay a wergild. Ecghteow could not pay this so he left but King Hrothgar paid for this but Ecghteow never repaid this debt.

I believe Ecghteow's part in this poem was to have a powerful son who would take the throne when he dies. This is very important because a King should have a son who would keep the throne and be powerful. Ecghteow set the bar on how a king should act and how ruthless a warrior should be to defend his people.

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