Monday, September 30, 2013

Grendel's Mom

Grendel has a mom who appears later on in the poem when Beowulf kills Grendel. Grendel's mom visits the Danes to seek revenge for the murder of her son. This is a typical Scandinavian idea because if a person kills your Lord or family, your job is to avenge the fallen one and kill that person. Grendel's mom does this which is a perfect example of viking code. When Grendel's mom goes to the mead-hall, Beowulf tries to kill her but cannot so he ventures into her home and kills her with a sword that he found in the cave. This sword kills her because outside swords cannot hurt her and this sword was magic.

Grendels mom had a good size part in this story who displayed a good example of viking code. Grendel's mother is also an antagonist in this poem.  

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