Monday, September 30, 2013

Examples of Kenning

10 - Whale-Road = ocean

258 Word-hoard = brain

786 - Hell-serf = slave of the underworld... a demon... evil spirit

1402 Shield- Bearers = fighters... warriors... king's men

1443- War-gear = armor

1445- bone cage = rib cage... chest area

1477- Gold-Friend (good friend)

1532 worm looped patterned = chain mail

Beowulf vs. Grendel

Documentary about Beowulf

Funny Video Summary


Grendel a man-eating demon he lives in the land of the Spear-Danes and attacks King Hrothgar's mead-hall, the Heorot, every evening. The narrator of Beowulf states that Grendel's motivation is hearing Hrothgar sing songs about God's creation of the world, which tempts his demonic nature the wrong way. Whatever the reason, every night Grendel slaughtered and killed more Danes and feeds on their dead corpses after tearing them limb from limb. Eventhough he can't be harmed by blades of any edged weapon, Grendel finally meet his match when the Great warrior Beowulf takes him on in a wrestling match. Something my teacher would say about Beowulf "Faster than a sea monster! Stronger than a demon! More powerful than a dragon! It's… Beowulf". Beowulf is a medieval Geatish warrior willing to take on any challenge in order to make a name for himself.

We first meet Beowulf as he sails, leading a group of warriors, to the land of the Spear-Danes, where he offers his services to King Hrothgar. Beowulf battles two demons, first the man-eating Grendel, then later on a vengeful mother, Grendel's, and Beowulf defends the Danes from these vicious killers. After returning to The homeland Beowulf becomes a king after Hygelac's son, Heardred, is killed in battle. Beowulf rules for fifty years, striking terror into the hearts of neighboring tribes and protecting his people from all enemies – until, one day, a thief wakes a dragon, and Beowulf and his people faces a fierce challenge. Hrothgar is the king of the Spear-Danes when Beowulf arrives in their land, ready to fight the demon Grendel. Many years earlier, Hrothgar paid money to the Wulfings to resolve a blood feud they had with Ecgtheow, Beowulf's father. As a result, Beowulf feels some loyalty toward Hrothgar.

Although Hrothgar was a mighty warrior in his day, at the time of Beowulf, he takes place as an old king, no longer able to defend his people against the fierce demon Grendel. Yet he is also without a successor: his two sons, Hrethric and Hrothmund, are both still too young to take his place.

Luckily for Hrothgar, he has a savior in the form of Beowulf, who is prepared to aid him by defeating the demons that stalk his land, but is too principled to steal his throne. Of course, even though Hrothgar lacks the strength as a warrior that would be necessary to bring true security to his people, he practices another custom that does help maintain his power, by giving rings. Hrothgar generously distributes rewards, including gold, armor, rings, and horses, to the warriors who support him, both Dane and Geat. As a result, he can literally buy loyalty, even when he can't force it in battle. Unferth, a warrior in the tribe of the Spear-Danes, challenges Beowulf's stories he claims about himself. When Beowulf shows up ready to fight Grendel, Unferth tells a story he's heard about Beowulf's swimming contest with Breca, suggesting that Beowulf lost that competition. Beowulf corrects the story, but doesn't exactly claim to have beaten Breca, suggesting that Unferth may be right about some of the details.

Unferth doesn't have any claims to fame. He does have one thing he's known for: killing his brothers. Beowulf reminds Unferth, "You killed your own kith and kin" (587). In a warrior culture based on the relationships between tribes, clans, and families, killing one's brother is one of the worst possible crimes. Unferth is therefore an example of everything not to be as a medieval tribesman: he's quick to find fault with other people, but he hasn't done anything great himself; he's clever and witty, but he killed his own family members.

Unferth is clever and generous, and he also lends Beowulf his famous sword, Hrunting, with which to fight Grendel's mother. Grendel's mother, another demonic descendant of Cain, attempts to avenge her son's death by attacking Heorot Hall. Although she manages to kill one man, she is alarmed by the strength and prowess of the Geatish warriors, and retreats to her lair, a cave underneath a lake filled with sea monsters. Beowulf follows her to her lair and beheads her with a sword that he finds there. Although she isn't nearly as strong as her man-eating son, Grendel's mother fights like an Amazon warrior, and Beowulf has a tough time defeating her.



After his battles against Grendel and his mother, Beowulf returns to his homeland from Heorot and becomes king of the Geats. Fifty years pass with Beowulf leading as a wise king, when a rampaging dragon begins to attack the countryside. The dragon is angered when a slave enters his lair and takes a cup from his treasure hoard. Beowulf and a troop of his men leave to find the dragon's lair. The men run away, leaving only Beowulf and his young companion Wiglaf to slay the dragon. Beowulf receives a fatal wound from the dragon, but Wiglaf impales the dragon and kills it. In his death-speech, Beowulf chooses Wiglaf as his successor, leaving to him the dragon's treasure hoard and the kingship.


line 1007 to line 1048 is an example of understatement, it's explain that Beowulf has came back from killing Grendel's mother and King Hrothgar is in his mead hall about to honor Beowulf for his doings. Beowulf enters with all the men and warriors, and Hrothgar enters with all the ladies. This shows who the real man is in the kingdom. King Hrothgar doesn't thank Beowulf for killing there lands demons, but he thanked God, which isn't bad to do, for everything, even killing Grendel and saving the village. But the village was in bad shape under Gods view until Beowulf came. So Hrothgar doesn't give the correct praise to Beowulf.


Unferth is a thegn of the Danish Lord Hroogar. Unferth is secretly jealous of Beowulf because he always reflects on when Beowulf lost in the swimming match with Breca. Also, Unferth might be jealous because the King wants Beowulf to protect the mead-hall, not unferth. Unferth has a lot of pride in himself and hostility towards Beowulf but Unferth gives Beowulf a sword to use against Grendel's mother which shows some gratitude and hospitality.


Ecghteow is the father of Beowulf, Hygelac's brother-in-law and married the King of the Geats daughter. Ecghteow was a very known king and people called him a ,"Noble battle-leader." His legacy lived on through the minds of others and he was remembered well by wise men everywhere. Ecghteow came to the Danish king for help for he had slain a man from another tribe called the wulfings. This was a blood feud so the only way this could be resolved was to pay a wergild. Ecghteow could not pay this so he left but King Hrothgar paid for this but Ecghteow never repaid this debt.

I believe Ecghteow's part in this poem was to have a powerful son who would take the throne when he dies. This is very important because a King should have a son who would keep the throne and be powerful. Ecghteow set the bar on how a king should act and how ruthless a warrior should be to defend his people.

King Hrothgar

King Hrothgar is the king of the Danes who changes a lot during the poem. King Hrothgar is an elderly man who built the great mead-hall Herot. The king is the second of the four children of Healfdane whose older brother Heorogar, was king before him. King Hrothgar. The people view the King as a good king and that they have not found fault in him. After Beowulf defeats Grendel, he rewards his men and Beowulf with great treasures like a good viking king should. The really messed up thing was that the king gave gratitude and thanks to God instead of Beowulf so he didn't give Beowulf any credit. During the poem, the king changes his attitude and how he presents himself to others. Whenever Grendel attacked the mead-hall, Hrothgar just went to his place with his wife because Grendel cannot touch him because the king was believed to be appointed by God and he cannot touch anything dealing with God.

King Hrothgar's view during all of this madness was to get out of the way and protect himself. This is irony because the viking code says that the King should be the ruthless warrior that will keep fighting to keep his people safe until the day that he dies.  

Grendel's Mom

Grendel has a mom who appears later on in the poem when Beowulf kills Grendel. Grendel's mom visits the Danes to seek revenge for the murder of her son. This is a typical Scandinavian idea because if a person kills your Lord or family, your job is to avenge the fallen one and kill that person. Grendel's mom does this which is a perfect example of viking code. When Grendel's mom goes to the mead-hall, Beowulf tries to kill her but cannot so he ventures into her home and kills her with a sword that he found in the cave. This sword kills her because outside swords cannot hurt her and this sword was magic.

Grendels mom had a good size part in this story who displayed a good example of viking code. Grendel's mother is also an antagonist in this poem.  


Beowulf is a Geatish warrior that takes a group of warriors to the land of the Spear-Danes to kill a monster that has been terrorizing the land. Beowulf brings his warriors here because the king of the Spear-Danes, King Hrothgar, used to know Beowulf's father, King Scyld. Beowulf's father had a debt to pay King Hrothgar so Beowulf thought he could pay off his fathers debt by killing the monster. In the poem, Beowulf looks around the land and plans what he is going to do to kill the monster Grendel. Eventually, Grendel comes to the Mead-Hall, where Beowulf is pretending to sleep, and grabs a man and starts to devour him. When Beowulf see's this, he uses his bare hands and eventually rips off Grendel's arm which makes Grendel flee in pain.

Beowulf's part in this poem is to show how a  Scandinavian king should act and what he should do in order to keep his people safe. Also, Beowulf played a big role in killing Grendel and keeping the people safe. In my eyes, Grendel depicts a typical Scandinavian king and is a total beast that keeps fighting until he dies.


Wiglaf is one of Beowulf's kinsmen and thanes who is the only brave warrior to help him fight. Wiglaf conforms perfectly to the heroic code in that he is willing to die attempting to defeat the opponent and, more importantly, to save his lord. This shows that he is some sort of reflection of Beowulf who is valiant, fearless and loyal.